Dawn to Dusk Enduro Race 2024

Overcoming Physical Challenges and Extreme Weather!


On Sunday 25th August Gareth finally took on the long-awaited gruelling 12-hour endurance race known as "The Daddy" at the Dawn to Dusk 2024 event.

This wasn’t just any race for Gareth. It was a personal battle, both physically and mentally. With our busiest season yet at Woodcote Events—working 6-7 days a week since April—Gareth found it tough to squeeze in the training he so desperately needed. As a result, his preparation took a back seat, which became a real concern as the race day approached.

Race day was like something out of a survival story. The rain came down in sheets, turning the already tough 16-mile off-road course into a treacherous, mud-filled challenge. Nick Plumb, a good friend of ours and the event’s organiser, said it was the worst weather they’d seen in over 20 years of running the event. When Nick says it's bad, you know it's serious!

Gareth managed to push through and completed three laps, a feat that might not sound like much until you realise what he was up against. Imagine this: slippery, muddy trails, steep sections that could give a mountain goat pause, and novice off-roader Gareth, who had barely had time to train, trying to navigate it all. After just one lap, Gareth was ready to throw in the towel. I (Jo) had to step in with some serious pep talks and positive vibes to keep him going. He came off his bike between 15 and 20 times—yes, you read that right—trying to tackle sections of the course that would make seasoned riders break a sweat.

At one point, Gareth accidentally found himself on one of the extreme sections of the course, rated a "5" for difficulty (the highest!). He kept falling off as he tried to navigate a particularly steep climb, getting knocked around by other riders passing by. He even "did a roly-poly" over the front of his bike a few times, as he jokingly puts it now. But in the moment, it was sheer determination—and maybe a bit of stubbornness—that kept him going. After the first lap it would have been easy to quit but, Gareth being Gareth, he pushed on. We’re so proud of him for not giving up.

On the other side of the team, Virgil, a seasoned pro, was incredible. He powered through 10 laps, showcasing his off-road racing skills and experience. Together, as Team Woodcote Events, they finished 37th out of 192 racers in the 12-hour category and 26th out of 41 two-man teams. Not bad at all, considering the circumstances!

We’re incredibly thankful to our sponsors: Melton Mowbray Fireplaces, Smart Fire Safety Ltd, and LS2 Helmets. Your support means the world to us. Craig Buckle from Melton Mowbray Fireplaces put it perfectly: "Seeing Gareth and Virgil take on such a tough race in those conditions is a testament to their resilience. We’re honoured to have supported them on this journey."

Steve Corbett from Smart Fire Safety Ltd echoed this, saying, "We believe in promoting resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence, values that Gareth and Virgil embody perfectly. We’re proud to be part of this incredible journey."

This race was a significant milestone for Gareth, not just as an event, but as part of his ongoing journey to overcome the challenges life has thrown his way. The experience was tough, no doubt, but it has only strengthened his resolve. He’s already talking about taking on more off-road challenges, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what he does next.

Thank you for being part of our journey, and here’s to many more adventures ahead!

Gareth Bright & Virgil Stevenson before their first practice lap

Photo: Gareth & Virgil before their first practice lap

Gareth Bright after his first practice lap

Photos: Gareth after his first practice lap

Gareth Bright starting his first lap in the race

Photo: Gareth starting his first lap in the race

Gareth Bright after his first lap

Photo: Gareth after his first lap

Gareth Bright after his third lap

Photo: Gareth after his third lap

Virgil Stevenson & Gareth Bright finish the race!

Photo: Virgil & Gareth finish the race!

Jo Artherton & Gareth Bright with his race medal

Photo: Jo Artherton & Gareth Bright with his race medal